Salisbury 2004

An Event Attended by

New Forest Region JEC




Salisbury is a two-day event which now makes up one of the major parts of the Regions events. This is the forth year that the Region has attended this event.

The intrepid set up team arrived on Friday afternoon to start setting up.

After the "hard work" a well-earned rest before putting up the sleeping quarters. No real ale bar this year so tried the local – none there either – the sacrifices we make.


As in previous years there were many different things to see and do. Like here we see the stand of the brushmaker. Many of the craft stands are active and you can see the products being made.

Below some of the other attractions.


There Were The Cars and Some from Outside the Region


As Usual there was a major item of entertainment

this year Vikings


And at the end of the Day the "Night Watch" settle down for a meal

The Sunday will be much the same as the Saturday - busier


So those who didn't join us this make a note in your diary for next year and join in the fun